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닥터스 방영안함


드라마| 15세이상관람가

  • 네티즌


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과거의 상처를 딛고 의사가 된 두 남녀가 여러 인간 군상을 만나며 성장하고, 평생 단 한번뿐인 사랑을 시작하는 휴먼 메디컬 드라마
제작 노트
Hye-jeong used to be a hot-blooded and ill-behaved teenager back in high school. The only ones who would listen to her and give her a chance were her grandmother and Ji-hong, her biology teacher. Thanks to this latter, she found a purpose in life and regained the will to study. But her best friend, Seo-wu, was terribly jealous of this special relationship and spread the rumor the two of them were romantically involved, which resulted in Ji-hong’s leave. 13 years later, she’s now become a renowned neurosurgeon despite the hardships. She moves to the Asia Pacific Hospital with the intention to prove that her grandmother’s death is the result of a mistake made by her surgeon, who happens to be Seon-wu’s father. But Seon-wu is one of her colleagues, and Ji-hong suddenly reappears in the same hospital.

포토 (5)

배우와 스탭



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